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Configuring Tenant Settings

This topic describes how to configure tenants as part of a Spok Care Connect 1.9/1.9-1 implementation.

You can change tenant information on the Edit Tenant page. The tenant settings are used to configure basic settings for an entire organization, such as default time zone and date/time formats. The Applications and Features section provides additional settings for specific applications that are licensed to a customer, such as Spok Mobile.


The information on this page is automatically configured based on the information that is configured during product setup. Additional changes to this information can be made on the Edit Tenant page.

Synchronize tenant data between the Spok Mobile Hosted server and the Spok Mobile Enterprise server.

NOTE: If the data on these servers is not identical, the system may not function correctly. Because of this, you should only modify the tenant information in the Spok Enterprise Administration page after careful consideration and planning.

Editing Tenant Settings

Follow these steps to edit the tenant settings:

  1. Access the Spok Enterprise Administration interface by navigating to one of the following locations  http://<FQDN>/Amcom/Web or https://<FQDN>/Amcom/Web, where <FQDN> is the fully-qualified domain name or IP address.

  2. Select the Administration > System Configuration|Tenant menu option. The Edit Tenant <Tenant Name> screen will appear, showing the existing information for the tenant.

  3. The Name field contains the tenant name. This information cannot be changed in the Spok Enterprise Administration system.

  4. From the Language list box, select the language that should be used by the tenant. The options are: Bulgarian, English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

  5. From the TimeZone list box, select the time zone that should be used. The time zone is assigned by default to user profiles when a new profile is created.This time zone should be the time zone in which the Spok Mobile Server resides.

  6. In the Mobile Sites section, you can add, edit, or delete sites as needed.

Adding Sites

  1. Go to the Mobile Sites section in the Edit Tenant <Tenant Name> screen.

  2. In the table, click Add. A new, editable row is added.

  3. In the Site ID field, enter the site ID name for the new site. The Site ID value is also referred to as the customer number. The Site ID is used to determine which customer’s site needs to be supported on the instance of the Spok Mobile Server. Multiple site IDs can be added for an installation that supports multiple integrated systems. Please note that site IDs must be unique and cannot contain spaces. This value must also be configured in the host system.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the new site. Site names must be unique. This name will be what appears on Spok Mobile devices

  5. To add the new site, click Update.

Editing Sites

  1. Go to the Mobile Sites section in the Edit Tenant <Tenant Name> screen.

  2. Click on the Site ID that you would like to edit. The fields will become editable and an Update button will appear next to the site fields.

  3. Edit the desired information.

    NOTE: You will need to update the system which integrates with Spok Mobile every time you change the Site ID.
  4. Click Update next to the edited site to save your changes.

Deleting Sites

  1. Go to the Mobile Sites section in the Edit Tenant <Tenant Name> screen.

  2. Next to the site that you would like to remove, click Delete. A confirmation dialog will appear.

  3. Click Yes to remove the site from the list.

  1. In the Long Date Format and Long Time Format fields, select the long date and time formats.
    • The long date format includes the day, month abbreviation, and full year (for example, 25 Feb 2014).
    • The long time format includes the hour, minutes, and seconds, as well as AM or PM notation (for example, 1:22:24 AM).
  2. In the Short Date Format and Short Time Format fields, select the short date and time formats.
    • The short date format includes the day, month, and year in number format only (i.e. 02/25/2014).
    • The short time format includes only the hour and minutes (i.e. 01:22).
      NOTE: Some time options have “tt” included in the format option. The “tt” will be converted to the a.m./p.m. notation.
  3. Scroll down to the Applications and Features section. This section shows the features that the tenant can access. These features are determined by the license file that is created for your tenant. You cannot edit these options in the Spok Enterprise Administration system. Instead, a Spok representative will update these features in an internal Spok system (Spok Hosted Administration) by uploading a license file.
    • If the Client Initiated Messaging option is selected, registered Spok Mobile devices are able to send messages to other Spok Mobile devices. If this option is disabled, users will not be able to initiate messages to other Spok Mobile application users. Instead, they can only respond to incoming messages on their devices.
    • If the Display “From” Field option is selected, the Spok Mobile devices that are configured in the system will display a From field at the top of incoming Spok Mobile messages. For example, when Spok Mobile application users receive an incoming message on their devices, they will see a From field at the top of each message that displays who sent it. If this field is disabled, users will not have the ability to view who sent the incoming message to their device.
  4. Click the Save link at the top of the screen to save your changes.