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Step 4 - Enabling Common Redundant Mirroring Setup on SQL Server

Step 4 in the process of configuring SQL Server redundant mirroring sessions is enabling common redundant mirroring setup on a SQL server.
  1. Connect to the Principal server.

  2. Run the contents of Mirroring\Common\1-Mirroring - PRINCIPALDB.sql

  3. Connect to the Mirror server.

  4. Run the contents of Mirroring\Common\ 2-Mirroring - MIRRORDB.sql

  5. Connect to the Witness server.

  6. Run the contents of Mirroring\Common\3-Mirroring - WITNESSDB.sql

  7. From the Principal server, copy the file located in C:\principal_certificate.cer to the C:\ directory on the Mirror server.

  8. From the Principal server, copy the file located in C:\principal_certificate.cer to the C:\ directory on the Witness Server.

  9. If the SQL Server version supports Transparent Database Encryption, the 1-Mirroring - PRINCIPALDB.sql script that you ran in step 2 produced an AmcomCert.cer file. If this file was created, copy it from the Principal server onto the Mirror and Witness server’s C:\ drive.

  10. Copy the AmcomCert.pvk file from the Principal server onto the Mirror server’s C:\ drive.

  11. Copy the AmcomCert.pvk file from the Principal server onto the Witness server’s C:\ drive.

    The AmcomCert.pvk file was also produced by the 1-Mirroring - PRINCIPALDB.sql  script that you ran in step 2.
  12. From the Mirror server, copy the file located in C:\mirror_certificate.cer to the C:\ directory on the Principal server.

  13. From the Mirror server, copy the file located in C:\mirror_certificate.cer to the C:\ directory on the Witness server.

  14. From the Witness server, copy the file located in C:\witness_certificate.cer to the C:\ directory on the Principal server.

  15. From the Witness server, copy the file located in C:\witness_certificate.cer to the C:\ directory on the Mirror server.

  16. On the Principal server, run the contents of Mirroring\Common\4-Mirroring - PRINCIPALDB.sql.

  17. On the Mirror server, run the contents of Mirroring\Common\5-Mirroring - MIRRORDB.sql.

  18. On the Witness server, run the contents of Mirroring\Common\6-Mirroring - WITNESSDB.sql. SQL Server has been configured to use certificate-based authentication and TCP to mirror databases. For detailed information on how to set up each Spok database to use the mirroring configuration, see Enabling Each Spok Database for Redundant Mirroring on SQL Server.