Pre-Upgrade Step: Upgrading Hosted Registrations to Local Registrations (3.5 and Older)
Beginning with the 4.0 release of Spok Mobile, all installations must be configured to use Local registrations instead of Hosted registrations. This ensures that registrations are taking full advantage of the Spok Mobile product’s feature set. If you are planning an upgrade on a system that is configured with Hosted registrations, you must allocate time to reconfigure and move existing registrations from Hosted to Local prior to upgrading the system. This change must take place when upgrading from 3.x to 4.0 or above.
This process requires assistance from members of the Hosted operations team. Be sure to plan the upgrade in advance. Communicate with the Hosted Operations team by using the following email address:
To register a device, contact centers (Smart Suite, Spok Console, MediCall) use a method called AddRegistration to request the new registration. When the contact center is configured to register against Hosted, Hosted returns a number known as RegistrationID. Hosted then syncs the new registration with the Premise (Local, MCS) which in turn creates a similar record and generates its own RegistrationID. In almost all cases, this RegistrationID does not have the same value on the Premise (MCS) as on Hosted. In addition, the contact center systems save this value in their database to make further calls to the ClientRegistration service for requests (UpdateRegistration, RemoveRegistration, etc.) This process is reversed when registration is performed against the Premise (Local) and the RegistrationID is issued by the premise. During this process first a script is executed on Hosted to generate a list of SQL commands that would be doing the actual update on the Premise to match this RegistrationID along with other information.
The following steps are performed on a 3.x system to upgrade Hosted registrations to Local registrations.
Identify the Site ID of the site for which the registrations are being added (Example: SmartSuite21-2).
- Log into the Hosted Administration page.
- In the Hosted Administration page, choose the Administration > Tenants > Tenants menu option to view the Site ID field for the site.
Stop the Mobile Connect Services service on the server. This is required to prevent syncing between the Spok Mobile Hosted (MCH) and Spok Mobile Services (MCS) systems during the process. For information on how to stop IIS services, please refer to Microsoft’s technical documentation.
Re-configure the host system to add registrations against Spok Mobile Services. This is done by changing the URL’s that point to Spok Hosted Administration to point to Spok Enterprise Administration. Depending on the host system that is being used, different configuration files should be changed.
NOTE: This step needs to be performed on every server that has this configuration.
Edit the files for the host system that you are using:
Access the UpdateRegistrations.sql file: \\\shares\Products\Mobile\General Availability Releases\HostedToLocalRegistrationChange
Modify the UpdateRegistrations.sql file.
Access the following location in the file: [SET @siteId = 'INSERT SITE ID HERE!!!'
Replace the ‘INSERT SITE ID HERE!!!’ value with the SiteId of the Spok Mobile Services (MCS).
Save the changes to the file.
Execute the script against the Hosted database.
After a successful execution of the script, a new script is generated in the results pane.
Copy the new script.
Save the new script (Example: UpdateRegistrations_server.sql).
Execute the new script against the Spok Mobile Services database.
Start Spok Mobile Services.
- Restart the host system services. More specifically, the following services must be re-started for each host system:
- Spok Console Suite:
- Spok Mobile Registration service
- Integrated Services Framework service
- Smart Suite:
- Oracle Web Logic
- MediCall Suite:
- Spok ME Connector service
- AMC Registration Status Track service
- Spok Console Suite:
- After this step perform some basic tests such as sending a message to a test device, updating preexisting registration or adding new registration.
Why does this process require assistance from Hosted Operations?
Answer: The first part of this process requires running the script on Hosted to collect registration information. If individual in charge does not have access to Hosted database then assistance from Hosted Monitoring team or Hosted Operations is required.
Do users have to re-register after this process is completed?
Answer: No action is required from device user.
Does this process result in new message commands being sent to all devices?
Answer: No, since the change is in the Premise database and no new command is generated as part of this update.
When upgrading from 3.5.x to 4.x.x, do users have to re-register?
Answer: No. During the installation process and after Integration has been enabled and saved, new commands are sent to all devices which will re-register the device and no action is required from the device owner.