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How to Test a CSI-380 Dees Box


The Dees Box CSI-380 enables a computer application to send and receive MDC call signaling and display information on a Meridian Digital Centrex line, allowing the computer applications programmer full access to all MDC services and features that are available on M5000 Series telephone sets. The CSI-380 may only be used with an M5000 Series telephone set or on a line configured for use with an M5000 Series telephone set.


How to test if you can communicate with a Dees Box. 

Configure the serial port on your computer for 2400 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, half-duplex transmission. If you want to test communications between the PC and the CSI-380, use a terminal emulation program such as Hyper Terminal, SecureCRT, Putty, etc.


The CSI-380 may be programmed to echo commands back to the PC (default) or to not echo commands back to the PC. To program the CSI-380 to not echo commands back to the PC, the following command must be sent. At the PC keyboard, type:
where <cr> means the Enter key on your keyboard. The CSI-380 will respond with:
To program the CSI-380 to echo commands back to the PC (the default setting), the
following command must be sent. At the PC keyboard, type:
The CSI-380 will respond with:
Command Echoing

Things to take into consideration.

  • Make sure you are connected to the correct COM port
  • You cannot connect to a COM port that is currently being used by a TSP.  Remove the TSP prior to testing.
  • Makes sure you are using correct settings. ie: baud, parity, data bits
  • Make sure the cabling is correct.  Examples: 9 pin serial to 25 pin serial or USB to 9 pin serial to 25 pin serial 
  • Make sure Dees Box has power


If all of the above is correct and you don't receive an "OK" back after setting the Dees Box to echo back, then the Dees Box is NOT functional.  Swap the unit with another and test again until you get a working one in place.

Related Defects:


