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Manually Update SecureLink Gatekeeper on Linux


This article will show how to update the SecureLink Gatekeeper application on a Linux Server to the latest version.


Important Note: For this procedure, be sure you are connecting to the server you are looking to update from another Linux server or via putty from a local workstation. The gatekeeper will be brought offline on the server to complete the update.

Step 1: Get connected to the server you are updating
  1. Connect to the Linux server, but be sure not to use the direct Linux gatekeeper associated with this server, as the note states above
Step 2: Check and note the Version of the Gatekeeper currently in use
  1. On the Gatekeeper within SecureLink,  click on the gatekeeper name (5.7 WB1) or click "View" to open the gatekeeper.
  2. You will see the version right next to "Version"
Step 3: Prep the Linux Server for the update
  1. Log into the Linux server and change user to root
  2. Turn off the old gatekeeper using the following command. That Gatekeeper will go offline at this point.
    1. service slinksc stop
  3. Change user to rss
  4. Create a new directory within rss home to store the old files
    1. mkdir ~rss/slink_old
  5. Move the slink folder (/home/amcom/slink/) into the old directory
    1. mv ~rss/slink ~rss/slink_old/
  6. Also move any old gzip files into this directory.  In this example, the following command was run to move old amcom zip file to the folder
    1. mv ~rss/amcom* ~rss/slink_old/
Step 4: Retrieve the latest version of the Gatekeeper application from SecureLink
  1. In this example, we are going to be updating the 5.7 WB1 Gatekeeper
  2. On the Gatekeeper within SecureLink,  click on the gatekeeper name (5.7 WB1) or click "View" to open the gatekeeper.
  3. From the next screen, toward the bottom, click "Reset Registration Code". This is going to give you a new code and reveal the download link. Note the code for later use
  4. On the same page toward the top right you should now see a link named "Linux". Open that link to bring to the next page
    reg and download_.PNG
  5. From the next page, you should see a section to download two SecureLink Components (spokclient.tar.gz and spokjava.tar.gz). Click on each to download them.
  6. Once downloaded, get the files on the server via SFTP or any other method as the rss user. Place these files in the rss home directory (/home/rss/)
Step 5: Extract and configure the new Gatekeeper application
  1. Get back to the Linux server and make sure you are the rss user
  2. Extract the new files using the following commands
    1. tar zxvf ~rss/spokclient.tar.gz
    2. tar zxvf ~rss/spokjava.tar.gz
  3. A new folder should be created in the rss home called "slink" (/home/rss/slink/). 
  4. Copy the file from the old directory, to the new directory
    1. cp ~rss/slink_old/slink/bin/ ~rss/slink/bin/
  5. Open the file and change the permkey to the once received in SecureLink earlier
    1. vim ~rss/slink/bin/
    2. Also be sure that the file looks similar to below, besides the permkey:
      #Permanent Key Properties
      #Fri Sep 21 10:37:55 CDT 2018
Step 6: Start the Gatekeeper and Test in SecureLink
  1. On the Linux server, change user to root
  2. Start the SecureLink service
    1. service slinksc start
      1. Starting the service should look like the following
  3. Go back to SecureLink and view the Gatekeeper you were trying to update. If the connection is not yet online, wait a few seconds and then refresh the page. If the connect button is blue and the connection access is enabled, the gatekeeper is online.
  4. Test the connection to the server via SecureLink to be sure it works
Step 7: Check the new version of the Gatekeeper
  1. Go back and repeat Step 2, to check the version
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