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Smart Alert Errors 124xx - Smart Speech Errors




The following table lists the Smart Alert errors for the SMART SPEECH module.

Error No. Initiated Description Action
12450 SMART SPEECH Channel stopped due to an error Channel will automatically restart. Restart Smart Speech if channel continuously restarts.
12451 SMART SPEECH Channel stopped for channel restart Channel will automatically restart. Restart Smart Speech if channel continuously restarts.
12452 SMART SPEECH Channel stopped by request Channel stopped by administrator. No action needed.
12453 SMART SPEECH Channel stopped due to unknown reason Channel will automatically restart. Restart Smart Speech if channel continuously restarts.
12454 SMART SPEECH Channel failed to initialize Stop Smart Speech and restart Nuance recclient. Restart Smart Speech.
12455 SMART SPEECH SMART_SPEECH_HOME environment variable is not set Set the SMART_SPEECH_HOME environment variable reboot machine, If it is already set reboot the server.
12456 SMART SPEECH SmartSpeechServer properties file can not be found Make sure the file exists. Make sure Smart Speech was installed properly. Client vs. server vs. all in one
12457 SMART SPEECH Error reading from SmartSpeechServer properties file Make sure the file is accessible.
12458 SMART SPEECH packageUpdateTime is not defined in file Set the packageUpdateTime parameter in the file.
12459 SMART SPEECH grammarPackageName is not defined in SmartSpeechServer properties file Set the grammarPackageName parameter in the file.
12460 SMART SPEECH eSpeechDictionary is not defined in SmartSpeechServer properties file Set the eSpeechDictionary parameter in the file.
12461 SMART SPEECH Error backing up old package files. Copying of current grammar package failed. Check Alert error message or UpdatePackage.log for the specific cause of the error to troubleshoot the problem.
12462 SMART SPEECH Backing up of old package files was interrupted. Copying of current grammar package was interrupted. Is the system in use, if so set the updatePackageTime to a time when the system is not in use. If not is one of the files open. Stop Smart Speech and run manually.
12463 SMART SPEECH Cannot initialize process to backup old package files Copying of current grammar package failed, due to an IO error. Check log for the specific error.
12464 SMART SPEECH Error retrieving info from database to create recognition package. SQL failed. Verify DB is setup properly. Check log for specific error.
12465 SMART SPEECH Cannot establish connection to database to create recognition package. Verify connection to the DB. Then verify connection info in file.
12466 SMART SPEECH Error writing info from database to eSpeech dictionary file. Check log for specific error
12467 SMART SPEECH Could not save the bad grammar due to bad file or directory name Could not save the bad grammar package due to a bad file or directory name, check alert for name to verify name is invalid.
12468 SMART SPEECH Could not save the bad grammar due to problems creating the directory Could not create the directory to save the bad package. Check the alert to verify the directory name.
12469 SMART SPEECH Error saving the bad package due to process failure. Copying of bad grammar package failed. Check Alert error message or UpdatePackage.log for the specific cause of the error to troubleshoot the problem.
12470 SMART SPEECH Error saving the bad package due to an interruption Copying of current grammar package was interrupted. Check log for specific error
12471 SMART SPEECH Error saving the bad package due to an IO error. Check log for specific error.
12472 SMART SPEECH Error restoring the last package due to process failure. Could not restore the last good package. Check Alert error message or UpdatePackage.log for the specific cause of the error to troubleshoot the problem.
12473 SMART SPEECH Error restoring the last package due to an interruption. Restoring of last grammar package was interrupted. Check log for specific error.
12474 SMART SPEECH Error restoring the last bad package due to an IO error. Check log for specific error.
12475 SMART SPEECH Error compiling the nuance grammar package because the process failed. Get the command from the log and run manually to find the cause.
12476 SMART SPEECH Compiling the package was interrupted. Check the log for the cause.
12477 SMART SPEECH Cannot initialize process to compile package. Check the log for the cause.
12478 SMART SPEECH Smart Speech server host not found in database. Make sure Smart Speech server host is set in system configuration.
12479 SMART SPEECH Smart Speech server port not found in database. Make sure Smart Speech server port is set in system configuration.
12480 SMART SPEECH Failed to authenticate with Smart Speech module. Check SMART SPEECH TELNET PASSWORD in system configuration.
12481 SMART SPEECH Unknown authentication result. Check alert message for result that was returned.
12482 SMART SPEECH NewDynamicGrammar command returned unexpected results. Check alert message for what the command returned.
12483 SMART SPEECH Failed to get Smart Speech module info from the DB. Dynamic grammar contents not cleared. Error with selecting info from system configuration.
12484 SMART SPEECH Smart Speech did not process the NewDynamicGrammar request successfully. Check log for cause.
12485 SMART SPEECH Failed to read/write to Smart Speech. Smart Speech is not running.
12486 SMART SPEECH Failed to retrieve Smart Speech hostname and port from database. Verify DB is accessible and host and port are set in system configuration.
12487 SMART SPEECH The system encountered an error while trying to recover from a previous error Check log for specific cause.
12488 SMART SPEECH Could not restart the recsever process Check log for the specific error.
