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Job Monitor

This describes steps for organization administrators on using the Job Monitor.

After the gateways and connectors have been created, the Job Monitor allows the user to view the status of file uploads along with work with any current jobs.

All information about jobs are automatically purged by the system after 30 days.

  1. Click Administration > Integrations and click the Job Monitor tab. A list of import jobs is listed along with their status.
    Job Status.png
  2. You can click the CC_kebab_icon.pngand select to Retry, Re-Execute, or Cancel an import job next to each job listed.

    This option reprocesses only the failed records for a job previously executed. This option does not pick up new files from the SFTP location. Use this option to reprocess errors due to missing associations.

    For example: An error occurred due to a Facility not existing for an imported On-Call Group. Once the Facility is created, the ‘Retry’ option will reprocess the On-Call Group record failure.

    Re-Execute This option reprocesses all files and records for a job previously executed. This option will re-import the files from the SFTP location and reprocess all records. Any records that would have been successful will be overridden with the new job run, assuming the same entity name or External ID match.
    Cancel This option cancels a job that is in progress.


  3. Click a job to bring up the Details screen for that job. This screen displays more detailed information about the job along with a log that displays the steps the job is performing.
    Job summary.PNG
  4. Click the Results Summary tab to view detailed information about the number of import jobs for each status. Click each status type counter to view details about each job within that status type.
    results summary.PNG