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Addresses in Spok 911 Database

     Upon 911 calls, the phone number is passed to the 911 call responders who searches the phone numbers from the location database to check whereabouts of 911 victim. The local database contains the phone number and its address.

     All addresses used in the client’s organization should be included in the table called as buildings in Spok 911 database. Each address has the unique key called as BUILDING CODE. The building code is the identifier to distinguish one address from others.

     If the client wants to distinguish the address in the smaller scale to assign the different DID numbers per suite or floor or add more uniformed location detail for any ANI under the location, the several different building codes can be used in the same addresses.

     If the client uses the automated Spok 911 data update program(s), the building code needs to be matching between the building identifier used in the input file given to Spok programs and the building code used in the Buildings table. If there is any new address or building in the organization, it should be updated in the buildings table BEFORE the new building expression is included in the input file.

     The address includes the house number, street name, street suffix, community, and directional suffix or/and prefix.  If the client is using the PSALI process and maintain the ALI information under its own NENA account, all addresses in the Buildings table should be validated by the ALI management company or/and the local government 911 coordinator(s) based on the MSAG (Master Street Address Guide) used by the 911 call responding group. The MSAG is NOT same as the postal address used in mailing. At the result, the mailing address for the location will not be same as the address in MSAG.