Adding New Operators
In order to create a new/edit an operator in MediCall console, it MUST be done by the MediCall Console administrator. Console administrator has the user rights to create, edit, and/or delete an user. To Add, Edit, and Delete an user, please follow the following steps:
- Access the Lookup Screen,
- Click the {Admin} button locaton on the right side of the screen, and the Administrative menu will display,
3. Select the {Console [A]dministration} option,
4. Click the {Select} button, and the Administrative Tools screen will display
5. Click on the {Operators}
6. The Operators Information screen will display
If you are adding a new Operator please do the following steps:
7. Click on the {Add} button, and enter the New Operator’s information
8. Enter the {Login Name} This would be the log-in ID.
9. {Phone Login} enter the ACD login ID, if the ACD is being used.
10. {Phone} enter the password for ACD login, if the ACD is being used .
11. {Name} enter the operator’s First and Last name.
12. {Password} enter the operator’s password and confirm it.
13. {Security Level} assign the security level for the operator.
14. Select the {Voice With Smile} option for the operator.
15. Click on the {Update} button to save the operator information.
16. Repeat steps 7 – 15 to add multiple operators.
17. Click on the {Exit} button to close the screen.
Upon exiting the operator screen, you will see the Administration Tools screen, click on {Exit} to go back to the Console screen.
You have successfully added a new operator for the Console.