Smart Alert Errors 188xx - Spectralink Errors
The following table lists the Smart Alert errors for the SPECTRALINK module.
Error No. | Initiated | Description | Action |
18800 | SPECTRALINK | Invalid File | The initialization file is invalid or options defined in this file could not be used. |
18801 | SPECTRALINK | Invalid Login | Unable to log into the database due to invalid module name. |
18802 | SPECTRALINK | Invalid Page Structure | Unable to parse or allocate memory for the message to be sent. |
18803 | SPECTRALINK | Invalid Page Packet | The message could not be split into multiple chunks. |
18804 | SPECTRALINK | Invalid Server Name | The specified host name is invalid. |
18805 | SPECTRALINK | Connection Lost | Connection to the SpectraLink Gateway has been lost. |
18806 | SPECTRALINK | Socket Writer Error | Writing to communication channel has failed. |
18807 | SPECTRALINK | No Response | User did not respond to the ring command sent to the wireless handset. |
18808 | SPECTRALINK | Invalid Packet | One of the chunk message has invalid data. |
18809 | SPECTRALINK | Invalid Data | Unable to form pageable data for the message. |
18810 | SPECTRALINK | IPCS Writer Error | Writing to the IPCS queue has failed. |
18811 | SPECTRALINK | Handset Unreachable | The SpectraLink Gateway could not reach the specified wirless handset. |
18812 | SPECTRALINK | Invalid Port Number | The SpectraLink Gateway did not recognize the specified wireless handset port number. |
18813 | SPECTRALINK | Connection Re-established | Connection to the SpectraLink Gateway has been re-established. |
18814 | SPECTRALINK | Max Redial Reached | The SpectraLink Gatway could not reach the specified wireless handeset on a number of tries. |
18815 | SPECTRALINK | Out of Range | The specified wireless handset phone number is out of ranage. |
18816 | SPECTRALINK | No Handset Found | The SpectraLink system is not configured with any wireless phones. |
18817 | SPECTRALINK | Message Timedout | User did not finish reading the message within the specified read timeout. |