Working with Spok Mobile
The Spok Mobile application is a separate application that can be installed on paging devices, such as a BlackBerry, that allows the user to receive Spok Mobile pages and messages on the device.
Each paging device on which Spok Mobile is installed must also be registered as a Spok Mobile device in the Smart Center database and be assigned a pager COS that uses the MXPP (Messenger XML Paging Protocol). Once the device has been registered and Spok Mobile installed, the user can begin to receive Spok Mobile messages.
Before a paging device can be registered, the following prerequisites must be met:
• A pager COS using the MXPP paging protocol that is assigned the exact same name as the Spok Mobile COS specified in the system configuration must be defined.
• Values for the AMC DEFAULT COS and AMC FALLBACK COS system configuration variables must be defined.
• A Spok Mobile site ID must be assigned to each COG.
• A pager record for the paging device must be created in the Pagers form.
• At least one user must be assigned to the paging device.
• You must have access to the internet when registering paging devices.
Using the Correct Spok Mobile Paging Protocol and COS (Class of Service)
A device that is created for use with Spok Mobile must have a pager COS assigned in the pager record for the device. When the device is registered with Spok Mobile, the pager COS is automatically updated to an appropriate Spok Mobile gateway. The gateway that is assigned is selected from a list of default pager COS options that is included when Smart Suite is installed. The selected gateway option corresponds to the device type specified in the pager record.
When a page is sent to a paging device registered with Spok Mobile, the page is sent using the Spok Mobile pager COS to Spok Messenger, which then delivers the page.
Note that the original COS assigned to the Spok Mobile paging device is retained by the system. If the paging device is unregistered with Spok Mobile, the Spok Mobile pager COS that was assigned during registration is replaced by the original COS.
You can verify the pager COS that is assigned when the device is registered with Spok Mobile. For more information, please refer to Verifying the Pager COS used by Spok Mobile.
Configuring the Default Spok Mobile COS (Class of Service)
The default pager (COS) class of service records used during Spok Mobile registration must be defined using the Spok Mobile system configuration variables: AMC DEFAULT COS and AMC FALLBACK COS. Assigning a value to these variables is a prerequisite to be able to use Spok Mobile.
The AMC DEFAULT COS system configuration variable value must be defined as AMC GATEWAY to ensure that the Spok Mobile registration completes properly. The AMC GATEWAY COS is assigned by default to the paging device when Spok Mobile registration is completed.
The AMC FALLBACK COS system configuration variable can be defined with the COS normally used by the organization use when setting up a paging device. This COS is used as a default by the system when a Spok Mobile paging device is unregistered from Spok Mobile and an original COS for the paging device is not available.
For more information about defining these system configuration variables, please refer to Configuring the Default Spok Mobile COS (Class of Service).
Specifying the Spok Mobile Site ID
A Spok Mobile site ID is required if your organization is using the Spok Mobile feature. Each COG that will be assigned to individuals that may be assigned a Spok Mobile paging device must be assigned a site ID, which does not have to be unique. The Spok Mobile registration app uses the site ID for licensing purposes. The site ID for each COG is determined by your Spok representative.
When you assign a person to a pager, the system verifies that the COG assigned to the person’s listing record is assigned a Spok Mobile site ID. If the COG assigned to the person doesn’t have a Spok Mobile site ID assigned, the system uses the Spok Mobile site ID assigned to the default COG for the Smart Center system. If the default COG does not have a Spok Mobile site ID assigned, an error message displays when you try to save the pager record, and you are not allowed to save the save the record.
For more information about assigning a Spok Mobile site ID to a COG, please refer to Entering Controlling Operator Groups.
Creating a Spok Mobile Pager Device Record
A pager record for a paging device that will be registered with Spok Mobile must be created in the Pagers form. The Allow AMC Registration option must be selected in the Pagers form for the pager record for the Spok Mobile device.
For more information about creating a pager record for a Spok Mobile device, please refer to Creating a Spok Mobile Pager Device Record.
Registering a Paging Device with Spok Mobile
Each paging device that you want to use with Spok Mobile must be registered to Spok Mobile. The registration process consists of allowing the paging device to be used by Spok Mobile and then registering the device to the Spok Mobile application. When registering the device to Spok Mobile, the Spok Mobile web site automatically displays.
When registering the paging device on the Spok Mobile web site, you are required to enter an email address. Emails are sent to this address during the registration process. An email containing the URL from which the Spok Mobile client application can be downloaded is sent first. After the Spok Mobile client application has been downloaded and installed on the Spok Mobile paging device, a confirmation email is sent to let the user know that registration is complete.
After registration has been completed in the Spok Mobile web site, you can return to the pager record in the Pagers form and review the registration information.
For more information about registering a paging device with Spok Mobile, please refer to Registering a Paging Device with Spok Mobile.
Unregistering a Paging Device with Spok Mobile
A device that should no longer be used to accept Spok Mobile messages can be unregistered from Spok Mobile. The device can still be used to send and receive pages other than pages sent using the Spok Mobile application.
After a Spok Mobile client application has been unregistered, a confirmation email is sent to the specified email address to let the user know that the device has been unregistered. If the device is registered to more than one site, the name of the site from which the device was unregistered is included.
For more information about unregistering a device, please refer to Canceling (Unregistering) Spok Mobile Registration for a Pager.
Deleting a Paging Device Registered with Spok Mobile
Paging devices that are registered with Spok Mobile can be deleted using the standard pager deletion process. When the pager is deleted, the registration status is changed to PENDING DELETE while the system removes the Spok Mobile registration for the paging device. When that process is complete, the pager device is unregistered from Spok Mobile and the pager record is deleted.
After a Spok Mobile client application has been unregistered during the deletion process, a confirmation email is sent to the specified email address to let the user know that the device has been unregistered. If the device is registered to more than one site, the name of the site from which the device was unregistered is included.
For more information about deleting a pager registered with Spok Mobile, please refer to Deleting a Pager Registered with Spok Mobile.
Updating the Spok Mobile Pager Assignment and the Spok Mobile Email Address
After a paging device has been registered to Spok Mobile, the individual and the email address assigned to the device can be updated. If you assign an additional person, delete a person, or change a person currently assigned to a Spok Mobile paging device, you may want to change the email address specified for the Spok Mobile paging device. When this situation occurs, a warning message displays to remind you to update the email address if needed.
For more information, please refer to Changing the Individual Assigned to a Spok Mobile Paging Device and Adjusting the Email Address.
Spok Mobile Registration Emails
When a paging device is registered with Spok Mobile, you must specify an email address. Any emails generated during the registration to Spok Mobile or unregistration from Spok Mobile of this device are sent the specified email address.
Spok Mobile emails are sent to the specified email address for the device when any of the following actions occur:
• A new device was registered with Spok Mobile.
• An update to the device registration was made in Spok Mobile License and Registration.
• The device platform was changed for the device after it was registered with Spok Mobile.
• The device is registered to additional site. The name of the new site is included in the email that is sent and the user must register the device to the new site, following the standard Spok Mobile registration process.
• The device is unregistered for a site. An email is sent to let the user know that the device has been unregistered. If the device is registered to more than one site, the name of the site from which the device was unregistered is included.
When an update was made to the Spok Mobile registration information, the email is sent to the specified email address and the registration status for the device is changed to PENDING. The email sent out after the change alerts the user that a change has been made. The user must access the registration screen on the phone and click the Register button to accept the changes.
The changes made to the Spok Mobile registration do not go into effect until the user clicks the Register button. The registration status on the phone is then changed from PENDING to COMPLETED, and the updated Spok Mobile registration information is used by the device.
During the time period in which the registration status is PENDING and the user clicks the Register button to register the changes, Spok Mobile messages are still received by the device. Note that the original Spok Mobile registration selections are used. The new selections are not used until the user clicks the Register button.