Error out record in Spok PSALI by the error code 756, 765 or 764
You may get the error code as the company code mismatch (error code 756 or 765 or 764) in PSALI process to sync the DIDs between the DID numbers in your organization and ALI database in the ALI Management company by Spok PSALI, if there is any new DID number is purchased from the ring-tone-provider recently, or even though the DID number was used in your organization for a long time, but is uploaded to ALI Management company under your organization's NENA ID recently.
To fix the error from ALI Management company, the new DID ranges may need to be added to the DID range list in the ALI management company. Or if the number is already registered under the different company in ALI database, the company owned he DID number previously needs to unlock or release or delete the record from its account to allow the number can be claimed under your organization's NENA ID. This is called as Migrate function in ALI update.
If you need to perform the migrate for any DID, please contact to Spok Support to coordinate the necessary change(s) within Spok and start the communications with the ALI management company and Dial-tone-provide.