Windows Authentication WebSentry Registration Failure
The following error message displays when trying to register WebSentry using Windows Authentication. This Knowledge Base article will show you how to resolve this issue.
2018-02-21_15:48:02.674 2018-02-21 15:48:02.628 [Server:hqpwp213] RegisterClientBasedOnKey() failed to establish database connection
2018-02-21_15:49:02.723 [TIMEOUT] registration timeout timer expired!
1. Check the connection String in the AmcomSentryClientApp.exe.config to make sure the Server and Database parameters are correct.
<add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB; Server=xxxxxxx; Database=xn911Database; Trusted_Connection=Yes"
Additional Steps for Connecting to the SQL Server with Windows Authentication
You must configure "Identity" under Application Pools + Advanced Settings.
1. Open the Start menu and click on Administrative Tools. The Administrative Tools window displays.
2. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Internet
3. In the Connections menu, click on Application Pools.
4. In the Application Pools menu, click on .NET v2.0
5. In the Actions menu, click the Advanced Settings link. The Advanced Settings dialog displays.
6. Click on Identity to reveal the () button. Click the () button. The Application Pool Identity dialog displays.
7. Select Custom account and in the field, enter the same user credentials used for the SentryHost or WebSentry Application Connect As setting.
8. Click Set The Set Credentials dialog displays.
9. Complete the fields on the Set Credentials dialog with the proper credentials.
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