Smart Alert Errors 106xx - HL7 Errors
HL7 Errors (as pertains to the Smart Suite module, not the RFC)
The following table lists the Smart Alert errors for the HL7 module.
Error No. | Initiated | Description | Action |
10600 | HL7 | Field Missing | A required field from the segment is missing. Either make the field optional (O) or the sender needs to send the field value for it. |
10601 | HL7 | Segment Missing | A required segment is missing. Either make the segment optional ([segment_name]) or the sender needs to send the segment along with field values. |
10602 | HL7 | Invalid SQL | The SQL statement for the message has error in it or correct data was not received. Check the SQL first. If no error, then check the field values assigned as bind variables. |
10603 | HL7 | Header Message Missing | MSH segment is required. If it is missing, no message will be processed. Make sure MSH is sent by the sender. |
10604 | HL7 | Invalid Sequence Number | If sequence numbering is used, then the rule for sequence numbering applies. If a message is received out of the order of sequence numbering, then either turn the sequence numbering off or adjust the sequence number accordingly. |
10605 | HL7 | Invalid Version | The message received is not a compatible version. |
10606 | HL7 | Invalid Message Type | The message received is not found in the message rules file. |
10607 | HL7 | Record Not Found | The requested record is not found in the database. |
10608 | HL7 | Invalid Ini File | The ini file is invalid, the section inside it not found, can not be opened, etc. |
10609 | HL7 | Invalid Connection Type | The connection type selected is not one of the following: DIRECT, MODEM, TCP/IP |
10610 | HL7 | Invalid Segment Rules File | The segment rules file can not be opened or has invalid segments in it. See more debug outputs. |
10611 | HL7 | Invalid Message Rules File | The message rules file can not be opened or has invalid messages format in it. See more debug outputs. |
10612 | HL7 | Invalid Port | The selected port is invalid. Adjust the port as desired. |
10613 | HL7 | Invalid Data | The message received has invalid data (for example, an invalid field separator). See debug output for more information. |
10614 | HL7 | Blank Message | The message received is blank. Check with segment rules or the sender. |
10615 | HL7 | Invalid Process ID | The specified process ID is either less than 1 or is not found in the ini file. Please check the validity of the process ID. |
10616 | HL7 | Connection Failed | The specified connection type did not allow HL7 to connect to the ADT device. Please check the CONNECTION type, port, cables and other related connection components. |
10617 | HL7 | Unmatched PDT. | The PDT (Production, Development, Test) flag defined in the initialization file did not match the flag received from the ADT system. Contact the ADT system administrator. |
10618 | HL7 | Connection Lost. | The connection to the ADT system has been lost. Contact the ADT system administrator to re-establish the connection. |
10619 | HL7 | Idle Link Timeout | HL7 messages have not been received from the ADT system interface for the specified period of time. Contact the ADT system administrator. |
10620 | HL7 | Invalid Login | The specified login SQL is invalid. Please check LOGIN SQL in the initialization file. |
10621 | HL7 | Memory Error | HL7 was unable to allocate memory. Please increase memory and/or reset HL7. |
10622 | HL7 | Invalid Program Type | The program type defined is not server or client. Please select either server or client. |
10623 | HL7 | Invalid SQL File | The SQL file has one or more invalid parameters. Please check the SQL file name, path, and content. |
10624 | HL7 | Invalid Filter Rules File | The filter rules file has one or more invalid parameters. Please check the filter rules file name, path, and content. |
10625 | HL7 | Reconnected With ADT | Often seen with 10618 or 10619, this is not an error. This is a notification message to notify operators that HL7 has reconnected with the ADT interface. |