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Integrating Spok Console with Spok Go

This article describes how integrate to Spok Console with Spok Go using a WCTP connection.



You can integrate Spok Console with Spok Go. The article below describes the steps to integrate an existing Spok Console system.

Before you Begin

Before integrating Spok Console do the following:

  • Ensure you have Spok Console version 7.11 or higher.
  • The Spok Console Paging server(s) must trust the certificate used with the On-Premises Gateway.

For detailed information about Spok Console configuration and requirements for integration with Spok Go, see Spok Console Integration with Spok Go.

Step 1: Build and Deploy the Gateway

Ensure the on-premises gateway is installed and configured. For more information see, Installing and Configuring the On-Premises Gateway.


Step 2: Create the Spok Console Integration

  1. In Spok Go, click Administration > Integrations and click the Connectors tab.
  2. Click +Connector to add the Spok Console connector.
  3. In the Connector Details section, enter the following:
    Connector Name Enter a name for the Spok Console connector.
    Description Enter a description for the Spok Console connector.
    Type Select Spok Console from the drop down.
  4. Click Save to save the connector. The connector is automatically enabled.
  5. Click the connector in the list and click the Enabled Services tab.
  6. Enable the WCTP Service by sliding the toggle.
  7. Click +Instance, enter the following info for the connector:
    WCTP Client Address

    Enter the domain of the Spok Console server.


    Security Code Enter the password of the Paging Service Record.
  8. If you need to edit or delete the WCTP instance, click the vertical ellipses button and select Edit or Delete.
  9. Under Priority mapping from WCTP to Spok Go, select a Spok Go Notification Priority for each WCTP Priority.
  10. After all changes are made, click Save.

For more information on protocol support for WCTP, see Spok Go WCTP Protocol Support.


Configure Data ExchangeEdit section

  1. Click the connector in the list and click the Data Exchange tab.
  2. For Entity Imports select the following:
    1. In Select entities you want to import, click Select All or select the entities individually.
    2. In Select how you want to import that data, select either Manually or Schedule Job. If you select Schedule Job, enter the Start Date, Time, and Frequency.
    3. In Select where you want to import the file, enter the folder path in the SFTP server that is running on the gateway.
      Examples: connector1 or connectorname.
      This must be unique per connector and the path must not be reused.
  3. Enable Entity Exports and enter the URL of the console listener.
    Example: adjust accordingly if HTTP or a non-standard port is being used.
    The Application Key section then becomes available.
  4. Under Application Key, click Generate Secret Key. Copy and Save this key. This key is only available during connector creation and will need to be recreated if lost. Use this key in the console integration to access the Spok Go public API. For information on where to enter this in the CCS consoles, see that product's integration documentation.
  5. Click Save to save all changes or Discard to discard changes.

Below is the order in which the import files will be imported:

  1. Departments
  2. Specialties
  3. Locations
  4. Roles
  5. Devices
  6. Users
  7. Forwarding Status
  8. Care Team Roles
  9. On-Call Groups
  10. On-Call Schedules
  11. Communication Groups



File Import Specifications

Ensure you followed the specifications for file upload outlined in the following guides. Note that certain versions of each Spok console support specific versions of the Upload spec. These are noted under each spec version.


Running the Import/Export

Now that your Spok Exchange File connector is configured, you can use an SFTP client with the User Name and Password that were previously generated to upload files to the address of one of your Gateway’s VMs using the default port 22.

You can get data about the status of file uploads in the Job Monitor tab. See Job Monitor for details on this feature.

Click the vertical menu CC_kebab_icon.png next to the desired Spok Exchange File connector and select an option based on the action you need:

Run Import

For connectors using a schedule, this will run the job immediately instead of waiting for the normal scheduled import. For a connector where it is configured to be manually triggered, this is the only way to start a job.

Run Export This option is currently unavailable.

Deletes the selected connector.

To bulk delete multiple connectors, click the box next to the desired connectors, use the dropdown next to the select all box, and select Delete.

You can also delete a connector from the configuration tab for that connector.

An error displays if the delete fails.






Using the CLI Tool

This command-line interface supports the creation of a CSV file that provides the mapping between the SpokGo entity id and the Console entity id.

These steps should be followed by implementers once the Spok Go On-Premises Gateway and the Console connector are created.

  1. The CLI tool uses a configuration file. Use the information obtained in the Configure Data Exchange section. The file needs to have the following json format. A template of this format is also available within the CLI tool's download folder.

      "ServiceName": "public-api",
      "AwsRegion": "us-east-1",
      "EnvironmentBaseUrl": "",
      "ApiKey": "HxtKD5bS3g9m5bqT1e3hylNRJ8OEOk28wSfq1XJ9",
      "SecretId": "sp08kaaxMHmWwOSmUasBeQnhrR9JQ",
      "SecretValue": "He288gqplmbNcArbj9EySrkw2c1r2y1015d+5Fd5GvA=",
      "BatchSize": 1000,
      "RetryAttempts": 3,
      "RetryDelay": 2


    The public-api
    AwsRegion AWS region is which the SpokGo environment is hosted.
    EnvironmentBaseUrl The base URL of the Public API in the SpokGo environment.
    APIKey The Key Identifier from the Application Key section of the Connector Management page.
    SecretId The Secret Identifier from the Application Key section of the Connector Management page.
    SecretValue The Secret Key from the Application Key section of the Connector Management page.
    BatchSize The number of records the CLI Tool will query in each request.
    RetryAttempts Total number of retry attempts the CLi tool will make upon receiving a HTTP StatusCode : 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS
    RetryDelay Number of seconds between each retry attempt. It uses a exponential backoff + jitter for the retry logic.
  2. Once the file has been created, run the command for the tool:
    consolebootstrapper  [-f --file <configuration.json>]

    This command provides a way for the tool to connect to the Public API, download the data, and create a csv file. The csv file will be created in the current folder with the following naming convention:
  3. Once the csv file is created, follow the steps for the integrated console to import the data. These steps can be found here:
    Implementing Smart Suite with Spok Go
    Spok Console Integration with Spok Go

Disable the Connector

If you need to disable the connector perform the following.

  1. Click the connector in the list.
  2. Click the slider to disable the connector.

Delete the Connector

If you need to delete the connector perform the following. Edit section

  1. Click the connector in the list.
  2. Click Delete this connector permanently. This will permanently delete the connector so be sure only to select this if the connector is not needed.

Step 3: Configure Spok Console to Communicate with the On-Premises Gateway

Configure Spok Console Paging Service

For detailed information about Spok Console configuration and requirements for integration with Spok Go, see Spok Console Integration with Spok Go.

  1. On the Spok Console Paging server(s), navigate to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Amcom Software\IntelliDesk Paging Service\Config.
  2. Edit the App.xml file and change the following fields:
    twoWayWCTP True

    Change the prefix for http protocol to include the desired port#.
    For example: <prefix>http://+:<port#>/</prefix>

  3. If necessary, add the new “http prefix” by running the following powershell command:
    "netsh http add urlacl url=<prefix> user=Everyone listen=yes".

  4. Open Windows Services and restart “Spok Console Paging Service”.


Create Paging Service Record in Spok Administration

  1. Ensure "Spok Console Paging Service" (in Windows Services) is running.
  2. Open Amcom Software > Administration.
  3. In the navigation bar, select Setup > Paging > Services.
  4. Create a new Paging Service Record (Ctrl+N) with the following values.
    Type WCTP
    Pager group Number Match this to the group# of other WCTP type pager services. The value cannot be 0.


    This will match "Security Code" of WCTP connector integrations.
    WCTP HTTP Address https://<load balancer for the gateway>/wctp
    Sender ID

    http://<Spok Console Server>:<port>

    Ensure this port is open in the firewall.

  5. Save the record (Ctrl+S).

  6. Verify database information in Help > Info.

Step 4 : Add User and Device in the Console

  1. Get the User ID from Spok Go.
    1. Click the Administration icon CC_Admin_icon.png.
    2. Click the user account. An edit screen is displayed.
    3. Click the Access and Identity tab.
    4. View and copy the Spok ID.
  2. Login to Spok Web (http://<Spok Console Server>/amcom/amcomweb/).
  3. In the Setup tab, select Environment and confirm the database matches the Administration Paging Service database.
  4. In the Admin tab, add a new user (Gen1/Gen2 tabs) and save.
  5. Edit the created user record by navigating to Msg Devices and add a device (+ icon at bottom of devices table). Enter the following values:
    Label Enter a label name. For example: Spok Go
    Type Select a pager type. For example: Alpha
    Address Enter the Spok Go User ID copied in step 1d. Use the following format: “User_user ID”.
    Note that other Spok Go entities that can be messaged via WCTP include Care Team Roles (ex: “Role_role ID”) and Message Groups (ex: “Group_group ID”).
    Provider Select the ID of the new service created in Spok Administration Paging Service.

Step 5: Send a Message to a Spok Go User

Follow these steps to send a message to a Spok Go user.

  1. Select the user from a Directory search in the console and click the Pager link.
  2. Select Messaging History next to the pager device link. Verify the page message status reflects “Delivered" in Spok Console. Clicking + by the page message in the Messaging History will show more information.
  3. Verify the message is received in Spok Go.


WCTP Status

Spok Console to Spok Go supports machine-level responses for successful messages that include Delivered and Read. Failed messages return error statuses with error codes that are relevant to the reason for the error.