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Error code 3704 In Running Failsafe


In running the option, Failsafe, there is the error message as “Error: 3704 Operation is not allowed when the object is closed. At ConsoleUtilities Messages.Format CheckForField by Console”. There is no error in the option as Normal Mode (SF Case# 00622295 & 00631485 & 00658996).


Please follow the steps.

1. On the SQL Express from the local workstation,  drop or delete the user, xnuser, in the XtendConsole database from the SQL express.


Or you can use the following script. 

USE [XtendConsole]

DROP USER [xnuser]


2. On the SQL Express from the local workstation, drop or delete the login, xnuser, in the Master database from the SQL express (security--> Login from the SQL express). Or you can use the following script.


USE [master]

DROP LOGIN [xnuser]


3. Create the login, xnuser, under the Security--> Logins under the database server, NOT under the XtendConsole database. 





4. Delete the existing DSN, “Smart Answer Fail Safe”, in the local workstation


5. Add the DSN as "Smart Answer Fail Safe" again with the same ODBC driver as “Smart Answer”. 


NOTE1:  To make this change, it may require admin user rights on the machine and on the local SQL express. 

NOTE2: The 32-bit needs to be used in both, Smart Answer and Smart Answer Fail Safe. 


If the driver is different between Smart Answer and Smart Answer Fail Safe (below) it will cause this error to occur. The DSN, Smart Answer Fail Safe should have the same driver, SQL Server Native Client 11.10 as Smart Answer.   



6. Make sure the Spok users or everyone to have the full right on the database files located in the local workstation. 


Related SF Case: 00622295 & 00631485 & 00658996


