Spok Mobile Android Release Notes
For more details about which versions of Spok Mobile Android are currently supported, see Spok Mobile App Support Policies.
Android 4.7.0 (June 20th, 2024)
New Features and Enhancements
No new features or enhancements.
Corrected Issues
- Resolved a security issue by providing stronger access control and enhanced web security. See the Security Updates section below for more information. Spok Mobile 5.1.1 or later is required for this fix to take effect.
Security Updates
- Stronger access control has been implemented for API endpoints to eliminate possible exposure of configuration information. Spok Mobile 5.1.1 or later is required for this fix to take effect.
- Web security has been enhanced to prevent possible exposure of data when the application queries the database. Spok Mobile 5.1.1 or later is required for this fix to take effect.
Known Issues
- All messages are removed from the device when the user logs out.
Android 4.6.6 (November 14, 2023)
Corrected Issues
Alerting & Mobile - Android application version 4.6.5 notification issues. After upgrading to Android application version 4.6.5, users were no longer able to receive audible alerts or banners for any Alert-style message. This issue has been resolved.
Android 4.6.5 (October 31, 2023)
New Features and Enhancements
- Spok Mobile now provides a validation message when a user sends a message while their device's internet is turned off.
- The Generate one time password button is now disabled while closing the app.
- Third-party libraries and components have been upgraded.
- Spok Mobile is now able to write a log to the device for better analysis of reported issues.
- Spok Mobile has a new security feature that prevents Android from taking screenshots when the app moves to the background.
- Spok Mobile now allows users to log out. This feature is only available when using Spok Mobile Enterprise 5.1 and the site mobile admin has enabled it for the user's device group.
Corrected Issues
- Fixed an issue where high-priority text displayed as HIG instead of HIGH.
- Fixed an issue where messages were displayed without prompting for an access code when the application was configured to use access codes.
- Fixed an issue where a red ERROR banner appeared on the message inbox screen even when the device internet connection was turned on.
- Changed the copyright year in About Info to 2023.
- Fixed an issue where the notification beep did not ring after continuously sending 51st message on the device.
Deprecated Features
- Users are no longer able to sign up for Spok Mobile for free.
- Support for Box attachments has been removed.
Known Issues
Spok Mobile stopped receiving message notifications for around 20 minutes after the user uninstalled and reinstalled the application. Users can only get the new messages using the Get Messages command.
All messages are removed from the device when the user logs out.
Android 4.6.3 (September 21, 2021)
New Features and Enhancements
- Added change and forgot password enhancements.
Corrected Issues
- Fixed issue where Spok Mobile badge counter disappears with a banner message.
- Fixed issue where Spok Mobile displays odd timestamp between midnight to 1 AM. (ex. 24:05)
- Fixed issue where Team/OnCall Role are not displayed properly on the mobile clients.
- Fixed issue where re-beeps do not work on locked Samsung Note 10 devices.
- Various defect fixes for Android 10,11, and 12.
Known Issues
- Samsung S10 Lite devices may display HIG instead of HIGH for chat priority. This is a device-dependent issue.
- The Spok Mobile app intermittently crashes when attaching content from a Box cloud account.
- If the Spok Mobile application is sent to the background after requesting the one-time passcode to reset the password, the user may not see the timer on the app screen. A workaround is to close the application from the background and restart the password reset process.
Android 4.6.2 (July 29, 2019)
Corrected Issues
- Push notifications were not being sent to the device.
- The app stopped responding if many push notifications were received at once.
- Status changes from webXchange did not appear in the mobile app.
User name changes from webXchange did not appear in the mobile app.
If the tone volume was set low, but not muted, the tone volume would be set to maximum when a message was received.
Android 4.6.1 (March 12, 2019)
New in Spok Mobile 4.6.1 for Android
- Spok Mobile for Android now uses the latest cloud notification service from Google. This robust service is the latest from Google, and it powers your users’ Spok Mobile message notifications as soon as they update.
Please have Android users update before April 1, 2019 to avoid service interruptions.
Several background jobs in the app are now optimized for performance. For example, finishing your registration and receiving administrator setting changes can finish quicker and require less cellular or Wi-Fi data.
Corrected Issues
- In some cases, Spok Mobile for Android users would be taken back to the Registration screen when they attempted to access the Settings on their devices. This could occur if the state of Host Projections was changed on the Spok Mobile Admin > Administration > Integrations screen.
- On Samsung Galaxy 9 and 9+, Spok Mobile would crash when attempting to access the Settings screen.
- In some cases, when Spok Mobile was set to use chat-style messaging, Android devices which did not have any lock screen set, or which were set to use Swipe to unlock, would not receive an audible alert tone when a message was received.
If a device was locked while the application is in focus, incoming messages would not rebeep. This issue occurred because the device behaved as if the application was open, even when the screen was locked.
- Fixed an issue in which the application would become unresponsive in some cases.
Android 4.6.0 (January 31, 2019)
To continue sending and receiving message attachments, you must update to the 4.6.0 app version. Older versions of the app will not support attachments after your institution makes a specific change to its Spok Mobile Server.
New in Spok Mobile 4.6.0 for Android
- Improved compatibility with Android versions Oreo 8 and Pie 9.
Corrected Issues
- Spok Mobile will work correctly on Android devices if the Spok Notification Framework is enabled on-premises.
- If the Spok Notification Framework is disabled on-premises, Health Check provides correct results on a non-GCM/FCM device.
- The app no longer crashes when you tap a notification group while a message is open.
Known Issues
- In some cases, Spok Mobile for Android users will be taken back to the Registration screen when they attempt to access the Settings on their devices. This can occur if the state of Host Projections has been changed on the Spok Mobile Admin > Administration > Integrations screen. This issue is fixed in Spok Mobile for Android 4.6.1.
- In some cases, when Spok Mobile is set to use chat-style messaging, Android devices which do not have any lock screen set, including Swipe to unlock, may not receive an audible alert tone when a message is received.